New Patients

Members Savings Plan

At Millennium Family Dental, we can provide you with a full range of dental services to help you take care of your oral health. Find out more about the services we offer and how you can schedule an appointment with us in Meridian, Idaho.

Included in your Savings Plan:

  • No yearly maximums
  • No deductibles
  • No claim forms
  • No pre-authorization requirements
  • No pre-existing condition limitations
  • Immediate eligibility (no waiting periods)
  • FREE Consultations
  • Freedom to choose your course of treatment

No matter what your needs are, we want your dental visit to be as convenient and comfortable as possible, so schedule an appointment for your whole family at our office today!

Benefit Premiums

PlanTotal Monthly Cost
Adult (14+)$36/month
Child (0-13yrs)$29/month
Periodontal Therapy*$57/month

* For those diagnosed with Periodontal Disease Savings Plus includes 4 periodontal maintenance sessions per year

Coverage Table

TreatmentMember Discount
Diagnostic & X-Rays
Comprehensive Exam
(new patient, initial visit)
Periodic Exam (2 per yr)100%
Complete Series or Panorex100%
Periapical, First Film100%
Periapical, Each Additional Film***100%
Bitewings (1 per yr)100%
Child Prophy (cleaning) (2 per yr)100%
Adult Prophy (cleaning) (2 per yr)100%
Additional Cleanings Per Year15%
Fluoride (2 per yr, no age limit)100%
Preventative not included in plan15%
All other Procedures
Whitening For Life$50
Whitening For Life Refills (2/yr w/ pro)100%
Periodontics (General Dentistry)15%
Dentures and Partials15%
Root Canals15%
Oral Surgery15%
Orthodontics ***5%
*** must remain a member for the duration of treatment

Example of Savings

Exam/x-rays/Prophy (2/yr)$581.00 / $432.00
Crown$1305.00 / $1109.40
Filling (2 surface)$255.00 / $216.40

Meet Our Doctors

Jake D.

Randall B.


Program Exclusions and Limitations

This program is a discount plan not dental insurance. It can not be used:

Schedule an appointment for your whole family at our office today!

  • In conjuction with any dental insurance.
  • For services for injuries covered under workman’s compensation
  • For treatment which, in sole opinion of the treating dentist or doctor, lies outside the realm of their capability
  • For referrals to specialists
  • For hospitalization or hospital charges of any kind
  • For costs of dental care which is covered under automobile medical
  • There is a $50 reinstatement fee if your plan lapses
  • Non-Refundable
  • No Refunds or premiums will be issued if participant decides to not utilize investment plan
  • Patient’s portion of bill is due day of service.
  • With CareCredit

For years we have been frustrated with the limitations that dental insurances have placed on our patients. We all know that the maximums allowed by dental insurances have not increased since they first rolled out dental plans over 30 years ago. Yet the premiums and cost of care have continued to rise. We wanted to come up with a plan that would allow our patients to have the healthy beautiful smiles that they deserve, free of limitations and with the savings of traditional dental insurance plans.

We have been able to save many of our patients dental dollars by applying their monthly insurance premiums to our savings plan.

We will be happy to sit with you and show you how Millennium Family Dental Members Savings Plan will allow your dental dollars to give you the healthy smile you have always wanted and deserve.

Fantastic staff! Amazing communication and financial adjustments to my dental health needs. I feel heard, cared for, and valued. 10/10 would recommend to anyone!

-Kelsi B.

Enroll today and start saving

Taking advantage of Millennium Family Dental Members Savings Plan is easy. To enroll, simply:

  1. Call or stop by Millennium Family Dental and request an enrollment form.
  2. Complete the form, along with your payment or credit card authorization and mail or bring it in to our office.