
Do I Have Sleep Apnea?

Lots of people snore, but did you know your snoring may be a major health concern? If you have considered a treatment for snoring, you may want to pause and ask if you have sleep apnea. Snoring is not merely a nuisance – it is a risk factor for sleep apnea, which can have short-term…

The Dangers of Over-Whitening

It’s 2018, and it seems like everyone wants a super-white smile. But, as your Meridian cosmetic dentist, we want you to know the risks and rewards of at-home teeth whitening. Let’s help you make the right decision for your pearly whites. At-Home Whitening Risks There are countless products marketed as whiteners for your teeth at…

Travel Safe This Holiday!

The holiday season is full of a lot of traveling for millions of people. It is important to make smart preparations to travel save, with less stress. Your Meridian family dentist has some helpful travel tips to consider. Check Your Flight No matter where you are flying, it is important to check your flight often….

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is here! And so are those tricks and treats, although there are considerably more treats than tricks. That’s why your family dentist in Meridian wants to give you some tricks to keep your teeth healthy during the treat season. Even if your little ones dress up as superheroes for the night, their teeth still…

Why You Should Brush Your Tongue

At Millennium Family Dental, we do everything we can to give our patients high-quality care and help them make the best dental choices. Great dental health starts with daily habits. Going to the dentist for checkups and cleanings is important but there is more to a healthy mouth than that. Regular brushing, flossing, and eating…

Protect Your Teeth This Summer

Summertime is here! Maybe you think of watermelon at picnics, baseball games, or backyard barbecues. Or maybe you’re planning an adventure with the family. Perhaps you or your kids are playing on a variety of sports teams. But do you also consider the damage summer activities can do to your teeth? And we’re not talking…